Summertime calls for backyard parties, afternoon hikes and plenty of sunny days by the water. If you're ever questioning whether your dogs love the warm weather as much as us humans, all you need to do is head to the nearest doggy park and watch all of the furbabies run around and around and around.
Another quintessential summer activity: swimming! It's always a crowd favorite whether you have human kids or furry kids and whether it's at the beach, the pool or another body of water. Splashing around in that cool water is the only way to be instantly refreshed when the sun becomes a little too intense.
This Yorkie has the same idea! While not all of our dogs take to the water as well as this little guy, you'll love watching him master the art of swimming.
Continue on to the next page to see how this Yorkie spends his summer afternoons in the pool! Wait until you see what happens at 1:14!
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