Training your pup is an important part of bringing him up. It bolsters friendship and harmony and the more tricks and good behaviors he does right the more praise and treats he gets! What doggy does not love that?
Oh, and training has the special added benefit, for your dog, of having his mom or dad’s undivided concentration. What dog does not love being the center of attention, especially when they can show off and display their intelligence?
As noted, kindness and praise is always the best way to show your dog he has done something right but that added attraction of a little snack never hurts either. Many expert trainers use treats as the means of training exclusively and it has proven to be a fabulous tool to get Spot to do what they want.
Over on the next page, we have a positively adorable French Bulldog puppy who is doing his trick but the reward seems to be taking its time getting into his mouth! Take a look and prepare to chuckle!
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