(Video) This Happy Pooch Goes Out of This World Crazy While Trying to Prompt a Furry Feline to Play With Him

pit bull and mancoon

While it is true that most domesticated animals can get along together as long as you introduce them to each other early on, they have the same easy going temperament, and/or they more or less grow up together. However, there are exceptions.

On the following page, we present to you a highly tolerant Maine Coon cat who simply does not seem to “get” the family’s energetic and very happy Pit Bull.

The doggy wants to play in the worst way but Mr. Maine Coon really is not in the mood. Actually, when you think about it, is an adult cat ever in the mood to play with a dog, even if they do get along well?

It could get ugly – but does it? Will cat and dog get along and play merrily with one another or will chaos ensue? Spoiler: It’s hilarious!

Go over and check it out!

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