When you think of Pugs, we bet you think about cute little bug-eyed doggies with curly tails running around, right? They may seem like the happy-go-lucky type, and many famous Instagram Pugs have made them seem like the super chill breed.
However, Pugs aren't really all too friendly! Shocker, I know!
But the following post will give you 15 reasons why this breed isn't as cheerful as you might think.
Just wait until you see reason number 7! There's a lot more grumpiness to Pugs than meets the eye! LOL!
Find out 15 reasons why Pugs aren't the friendliest breeds you might think them to be on the next page!
Trust us, we know all too well! Find out the truth after the break.
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Mary Barlow
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Very funny, had me going at first…
Jeanne Hall
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Hilarous. Sample of fake news!!!!
Betty Kowalski
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Pugs are just the best…
Jacqueline Shults
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Funny !
Regina Pokropski
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Pugs are awesome. They love everyone especially kids