(Video) When GoPro is Left on a Lab Home Alone, Watch What it Captures

GoPro pup

I was LOLing throughout this video! She falls right into the multiple traps her parents have set and there's no denying it since everything was caught on film!

Don't you want to watch more of Daisy and her lone adventures around the house?? When she starts crying after immediately being left alone at 2:27, she soon consoles herself by emotionally eating the popcorn. That didn't take long! She then naps off her food coma (as we all have done) and heads upstairs. I was laughing so hard at 4:47 when I watched her get on her tippy toes for those sandwiches. She was so proud of herself after scoring those! The whole ding-dog ditch scheme was brilliant, too! The best part, of course, was watching her react to her “scolding” at 6:49. At least she got a Puppacino for her participation! I would say this was a successful experiment!


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