12 Naughty Pug Puppies That Should Be Illegal

11) This Pug puppy who can't contain his excitement. Mom is home! 

pug overcome by cuteness

via keeponpuggin.tumblr.com


Charges: One count for second-degree pawing.


12) This wide-eyed Puggy who is just loving life. 

cute pug puppy


Charges: Twelve counts for eating some chips that he found in the garbage and four counts of awful gas.


So… if you were to charge your Pug puppy with something, what would it be? Did she get into the garden while you weren't looking or eat and then hide your shoe? It may be time to charge her with three counts of stealing! LOL!

Pug puppies are adorable, but boy they are a lot of work. Don't worry though because of course they are worth it. For every illegal act a Pug puppy gets caught doing, she'll make it up tenfold with love and puppy kisses.

For more naughty Pug puppies that should be illegal, visit Buzzfeed.

Featured Image via YouTube / Pugs Not Drugs

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