What do the cities of Boston, Los Angeles, and Phoenix have in common? They all have banned the sale of commercially bred puppies and kittens in pet stores! Joining them very recently is the lovely city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!
This not only means pet stores cannot sell our furry friends, but also the same rules apply to flea markets and roadside sales. If you are caught doing it, a ticket and possibly more will be in your future!
While not all pet stores buy from puppy mills, it can be a common occurrence in the less reputable retailers. To breed a dog over and over again for profit, with little care for the Mom or puppies’ health and well-being is sincerely detestable.
Some mills stick these pooches in cages and leave them there for breeding purposes only! That is not just devastating, but many will tell you it is out and out criminal!
After the break, learn more about this important topic, including why Philadelphia is setting a precedent!
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