12 Signs That’ll Reveal a Person is Obsessed With Pugs… and is Damn Proud of It!

wrinkly pug

Everyone is obsessed with something. Whether it's a favorite television show, eating gummy bears, sleeping a lot, or collecting vintage postcards, everyone has something they can't stop collecting or talking about.

Perhaps you're a dog owner who is crazy about… their Pug! And if you're that person, that's okay. The good news is there are tons of Pug crazed people out there that are more than happy to hop on the Pug bandwagon with you, ha ha!

If you are indeed obsessed with your Pug and other Puggies, then you'll have no issue identifying with the following symptoms.

Don't worry — just because you identify with the symptoms doesn't mean you need to go to the doctor. Though, you may need to take something if you're this obsessed. Just kidding!

We think a healthy attachment to Pug is more than okay. Hello — just check out those cute Puglet faces! With a Pug's sweet smooshed face (did you see our featured image?!), curly tail and other features that we all can't get over, what's not to love?!

So what are you waiting for?!

On the next page check out 12 signs that'll reveal to you whether you're an obsessed Pug person… and are damn proud of it! 

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