The 10 Smallest Dogs in the World Are Surprising! I Had Never Heard of Doggie #10 Before!

Maltese puppy


3. Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffons are small dogs with big hearts. They love to be around people and they especially love to be around their masters, whose company they prefer. They are cheerful and intelligent, easy to train to perform tricks if desired.


4. Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire terrier was originally bred for catching rats which is no wonder, since it is curious, investigative, brave and determined. It seems unaware of its size; in fact, it is always ready to face danger or go off on an adventure. Because it is a working dog, it is intelligent, easy to train and eager to please.

It's true that Yorkies are loyal and very adventurous, but they also can be sassy and aren't always good with kids. But it alway depends on the dog! Before selecting any dog it's best to observe them in the environment they grew up so you can make the best decision on which puppy may be a good fit for you and your family.

For more adorable yet loyal small doggie companions, check out the next page. I had never even heard of #6 — what a cute pooch that's actually very hard to come by!

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