The 10 Smallest Dogs in the World Are Surprising! I Had Never Heard of Doggie #10 Before!

Maltese puppy


5. Russkiy Toy

The Russkiy toy was nearly wiped out twice but is recently becoming popular, not just because of its compact size but because of its sweet temper. Indeed, Russkiy toys are devoted to their owners, often following them around or snuggling beside them, and are prepared to protect them against any danger.


6. Prazsky Krysarik

This miniature dog breed is rare outside its country of origin, Czechoslovakia.Nonetheless, the Prazsky Krysarik is its own dog, confident, responsive to commands and with just the right combination of affection and playfulness. Don’t let it play roughly, though, as it is prone to injuring its thin legs.

Both of the dogs above are extremely unique, and if you're luckily enough to have one in your family there's no doubt you'll love him unconditionally!

For two extremely common yet loving, loyal, and happy-go-lucky small doggies that make excellent fur babies, check out the next page. 

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