We’ve all seen our dogs snoozing away on the sofa, floor or the dog bed. They are peaceful, making such comical sounds, some squeals and others snivels. But all seems well. Do dogs have nightmares, we wonder?
We love watching puppies because they have very little life experience. Most of their dreams consist of nursing! Just watching those little mouths move makes us melt!
The adult dogs are a little more puzzling. When the legs move we have to assume they are running, possibly chasing something, but the noises are the most puzzling. Was that a bark – or, at least, an attempt at one?
Remember, even we humans, in our dreams, have clear conversations, but if we ask our partner they’ll tell is we were mumbling in our sleep.
So why should a dog be any different?
After the break read more about dogs, dreaming and – yes – experiencing those odd movements and sounds!
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