Think You Need a Boyfriend?! 5 Reasons Why a Dog is BETTER Than a Boyfriend!

woman and her dog

If you recently went through a breakup or are desiring a new boyfriend, you may want to take a break before proceeding. Why? Because if you have a doggy he's so much better than a boyfriend! There are so many reasons why a dog tops a significant other every single time.

You ready? 😉 Your doggy loves you unconditionally, won't complain about your weight or anything for that matter (except if he wants a treat), is an excellent listener, and loves to cuddle! Sounds too good to be true, right?! Well, he's not and if you have a sweet pooch give him lots of love back because he deserves it!

Discover more reasons why a doggy is a lot better than a boyfriend after the break.

Via Flickr/ PeterDedina

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