Who’s the good boy? His name is Baily and he is fun even if he cannot run a mile like he did when he was three years old! Watch him entertain his family!
At fifteen years old we are sure there are times when Bailey just wants to lounge around in his dog bed, sleeping, dreaming of those days when he had a particularly good bone from the stewing pot. However, he also seems to enjoy taking time out to be a comedian!
Let Bailey be an example to all precious pooches. Your time is not up, there is still fun to be had, even if in your mature years you prefer moist dog food over kibble!
Now, if only they can get him to fold their laundry! Maybe next week.

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Lorna Bedwell
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Cute x
Lisa Graves Muha
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Awwww! What a sweetheart! We love senior pugs ❤️
Regina Pokropski
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