(Video) Owner Gets Frustrated With Dog Shedding In Car. His Solution? Inventing Hilarious Doggy Leotards!


While we do not think any dog will be one hundred percent thrilled with wearing a leotard, few like wearing clothes of any kind, we do applaud the nature and purpose of this invention! No one likes fur in their car or floating about the house. And, as long as the doggy doesn't mind, why not give it a try?! Well, we'll lead you to decide after watching the video:

We can sympathize. Ours is a short haired dog yet he still sheds and in bright sunlight, you can see all of the fur and dander floating about when he shakes. You do not really realize just how much fur a dog shakes off until you vacuum or use one of those sticky rollers to pick the fur up off the sofa or car seats.

It may be funny to look at but upon further retrospection, this doggie leotard is pretty clever after all!

Featured Image via The Dodo

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