(Video) This Baby and Doggy Compilation is So Touching. These Pups Have Found a BFF for Life!

doggy and baby

These dogs have such a touching interaction with the babies. It's difficult to know exactly what the doggies are thinking, but it's clear they love their humans and are dedicated to protecting them. Plus, these dogs save their parents money by being an in-house babysitter!

A favorite can't be named because there are so many cute ones! The dog at 1:03 is so focused on his job as the official baby rocker! It seems like he genuinely enjoyed his important task of keeping the baby asleep. His humans wouldn't entrust that with just anyone. Another favorite was the white dog at 6:07 who was intent on ensuring that his new human sibling was swaddled and protected in a mountain of blankets. I want to know what all of the doggies are thinking about these babies!

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