When you adopt a fur-child there is a certain amount of responsibility to take-on. That is not news to those of us who have had a dog for a while. But for those of you who are new to the doggie adoption lifestyle, you want to keep your fur-baby happy but you also have a life to live and can’t always be there for him or her.
After all, there is that thing called the work-place and taking Rover into the grocery store or a restaurant, unless he’s a service animal, is a no-no!
Consequently, there is bound to be a little “home alone” time for your pooch and that can be a problem. What you need to do is keep him entertained and, in doing so, improve his life!
There are ways to do this, either with them or without, and all you have to do it go over to the next page and read-up on these simple things you can do to make Fido happy and enriched!
Pugs Mansion
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