When a Funny Pug is Given This Veggie as a Snack, He’s Just Not Sure What to Make of it – Ha ha!

pug eating broccoli

When it's a pug's snack time, usually he gets something delicious, such as a puppy treat or a piece of his favorite fruit. But when you think of a snack would you think of broccoli?!

When a cute pug is given a piece of broccoli for his snack, he's not sure what to think of it. At first, he starts eating it like it's the yummiest treat in the world but by the end it's clear he no longer feels that way.

In fact, what at first seems like he's enjoying his treat turns into him not-so-much liking it anymore. Just how does this furry fellow show his dislike for his broccoli? He growls and makes funny noises at it!

LOL, someone clearly doesn't like his broccoli anymore. Watch this hilarious video on the next page.

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