When These Screaming Pugs Throw a Fit, I Let Out a Gasp – It’s THAT Crazy!

pug screaming

Soon after one of the pugs REALLY starts to panic (yep, even more).

Our loudest pug screams non-stop (with no breaks in between), demanding her dad come back to the car this instant! She can't take much more of this! 

pug lets loose

After a few more minutes of freaking out, the mom lets go of the anxious pug.
The fur baby jumps over to the other seat and begins to claw at the car door. “Where the heck is dad?!” she seems to be barking, screaming, AND whining simultaneously.

pug scratching door

Find out if the pugs FINALLY calm down and stop whining, barking and screaming. I seriously CAN'T believe how this video ended!

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