How to Tell if a Puppy is Pooping too Much…

When a doggy goes to the bathroom, it's important that he makes healthy stools. What if he's pooping too much? You'll learn what it can mean and how you can help. Find out how often a puppy may go number two by checking out some insightful information below!

How often should I expect my puppy to poop?

Dogs generally poop 1-5 times per day
Volume of poop varies greatly with the amount of fiber in the diet

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When does my puppy need to go?

The first thing in the morning and the last thing you do with your new puppy each night is go out for a potty break.
The best time to ask a puppy to go potty is after a meal, nap, or play session.

Associate a word or phrase with bathroom activities.

Take your pup to the same area when you potty train. Routine is key to building good habits.

Well, now that you know what to expect, keeping an eye out for your pooch and being observant of his poo poo habits will be a lot easier. If something seems amiss or if his poo is runny for an extended period of time, don't be afraid to ask your vet questions. It's important to keep your puppy in good health.

Just remember that your doggy needs lots of love and patience while he's potty training. He's trying his hardest!

For more information on doggy poop, visit Rover.

Featured Image via Dog Shaming

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