This Dog’s Last Photo by The Ocean Tells Her Story and Brings Us to Tears

dog's last picture by the ocean

Experiencing things for the last time can be bittersweet especially when it involves an elderly doggy. Recently Jessie the Labrador experienced the ocean for the last time with her human and the moment was captured in a beautiful photograph. It was so beautiful and heartwarming that it even won an award for best picture.

A single photograph managed to capture the life and spirit of Jessie. Even though this story has a sad ending, it's Jessie's last moments in the ocean and her story that warms our hearts. She was a special doggy, and you know this to be true in one picture.

After learning more about Jessie's story, you'll fall in love with this loving elderly dog and be moved tears. Get to know Jessie the Lab and you'll never be quite the same.

To learn all about Jessie's life and last day at the beach, check out the next page. Her story will touch every fiber of your being.

Via Off The Leash / Facebook

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