Why This Owner Chose to Buy a Dog From a Breeder Instead of a Shelter

puppy in shopping cart

While buying a pup from a breeder may not be for everyone, just as adopting from a shelter is often looked upon by some as suspect, there are reasons for such a purchase. If an owner is looking for a specific pup and the breeder comes recommended … why not?

Sirius was born in the home of a well-respected breeder who has dedicated her life to improving Newfoundlands as a breed. I am a huge supporter rescue efforts, just as I am a supporter of responsible dog breeding (as opposed to puppy mills and backyard breeders). I really appreciate the work/preventative medical screenings/early socialization that goes into a puppy who comes from an experienced breeder, and I don’t think my support of rescue and of responsible breeding are at odds with each other. At the end of the day, I’m not a rescue person. First and foremost, I’m a dog person — regardless of where the dog comes from.

There was no question we were getting a Newfie, and I knew our best chance of finding the right one to blend into our big family (three cats, two other dogs) would be from a breeder. We wanted a puppy, in part because we haven’t had one in the home since my 14-year-old Chihuahua mix was young, and because after years of ongoing work to re-socialize Charlotte, we wanted a dog we could shape from the start through proper socialization. Stable temperament and generationally researched health also were extremely important to us since giant dogs already have shorter lifespans — we wanted our puppy to genetically have the best chance of a healthy adulthood.

It is interesting to see how prejudices can swap sides, depending on a pet lover’s frame of mind. Some people will not buy from anyone other than a breeder; especially true if the breeder comes highly recommended and papers are easy to obtain. While others look at all of the poor dogs in shelters and cannot bring themselves to adopt unless their pup comes from one of these establishments!

The point is, if you love a dog, if you want a certain kind of dog, or if the breed does not matter to you – just love the dog you have or want! And don’t look down at a dog parent because they got their pooch a certain way. They are still extending themselves, loving a creature other than a human, and that cannot be wrong!

Read more over on Dogster!

Featured Image via by Sassafras Lowrey / Dogster

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