At one time or another, we have all been guilty of putting words into our dog’s mouth. Often, we utter the phrase: “Oh, you just love Mommy. Yes, you do!” and we are convinced that is exactly what Fido is saying to us.
However, he may well be telling you that he just ripped through a sofa cushion or watched merrily as the house-cat got into the garage and is now trapped between bags of potting soil and Dad’s treadmill.
What we really need is some great way to interpret all that they say. How about memes to tell us exactly what our pooches are thinking!
And yes, over on the next page we have them!
While ten (10) memes may not be enough to get through all of Spot’s varying emotions and thoughts, it is a start! Go on over because these are going to make you LOL!
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Celestine Clifford
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