It’s Easy! Here’s How to Teach Fido to Shake Hands in Only 10 Steps:

shake a dog's paw

Do you want your doggy to be a little more polite? Want to show off your pup next time you're at the park? Are you having trouble teaching Fido harder tricks and are looking for something easier to teach him? Does your pooch have trouble paying attention for extended periods of time?

Forget all of those questions! Lucky for you, teaching your dog to shake hands is a lot easier than it appears to be! It makes your dog looks super smart and sophisticated too! LOL!

For those adorable pups with short attention spans, this trick is quick and easy! I promise! In no time, your doggy will amaze everyone around him.

Teach your doggy to shake hands in 10 easy steps. It's all on the next page!

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