(Video) Mom Tells Her Pup to Settle Down and How She Shows Her Who’s Boss is Hilarious!

mom dog and pup

Puppies are constantly getting into something, always wanting to play, and sometimes they get a little too rough. Watch as one fur-Mom shows her pup who is the boss and what happens to a puppy when it does not play nice. It’s actually very sweet!

It’s a little thing, getting up and walking away from the puppy but it goes a long way in not just showing the puppy he needs to play nice but also showing him that he can entertain himself, without Mom or siblings around.

One day the little guy may have to leave the nest and go live with another forever family. That family will want a sweet but well-behaved pup, Mom knows, and what better time to train him than when he is small and ready to drink in her teachings.

Yet personally, like the owner did, we would probably give the little guy a scratch behind the ears too. Despite his errant ways, he’s just too cute not to adore!

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