(VIDEO) Psst… This Boston Terrier Has a Secret. Watch How He Struggles to Keep it – Haha!

doggy keeping a secret

How many of you grew up dreading those nasty veggies you had to eat at the dinner table? If you had a dog, I bet you secretly let him have those yucky vegetable so you'd get away with it! LOL!

If you didn't have a dog back then, I bet you'd wish for one! Come on, admit it, you know it's true! Haha!

Well, without giving too much away, one doggie tries to help out and keep a hilarious secret! What's even more hilarious is the struggle he goes through to keep that secret! His eyes give him away!

This Boston Terrier is almost a pro at keeping things hidden! LOL! Watch and you'll see what I mean!

Can this Boston Terrier keep this dinner time secret? Watch and find out on the next page!

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