(Video) Pug Puppy Lies in Eternal Bliss While Sleeping Away in a Baby Stroller

pug family nap time

Spring has finally sprung and that means that the weather is finally getting a lot warmer. With beautiful weather to enjoy, it's so tempting to take naps under the sun.

That's exactly what these Pugs had in mind! LOL! As this family enjoys some much-needed snooze time outside, one Pug puppy decides to take it to a whole other level!

He lays out in a baby stroller and he could not look any cuter! He's just so irresistible!

This little guy is celebrating spring the right way! If you're in need of a smile today, then this will surely make it happen!  LOL!

Watch and enjoy this tiny Pug puppy enjoy a nap in his baby stroller on one adorable video on the next page!

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