(Video) Watch as a Miniature Schnauzer Puppy Shows the Stairs Who’s Boss


Little dogs are crazy-fun to watch! Puppies have so much life to them and even though they are reluctant to take on what looks like the impossible, that just makes the eventual mastering of an obstacle all the sweeter!

Should we have expected anything else from a little schnauzer who is as loud as he is dogged (see what we did there?)? Chumpie was not going to allow those stairs to keep him from a tasty snack. He’s made of stronger stuff than a downward carpeted complication!

Still, we could not help smiling and doing a little fist pump when he finally made it to the ground floor. It took a while but when you are as driven as Chumpie the stairs are a piece of cake! Or, at least a doggy snack.

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