What it’s Really Like to Live With a Pug…

living with a pug featured

Our keen little pug, with its happy-go-lucky attitude is pure joy to us – until he isn’t. While they are truly animated, peppy and spirited, they are also loyal, loving and affectionate. What is not to love about a pug? Hm?

Gemma Pug 1

Gemma Pug 2

Gemma Pug 3

Gemma Pug

Gemma Pug 5

Gemma Pug 6


We blame it on the Chinese since that is where pugs originated! LOL! Being playful, lively and rambunctious – and also a bit willful  – they are sure to keep you laughing!

However, they are our Canis lupus familiaris and we will love them until the day we part… and beyond. Because you know they will be waiting for us on that big sofa in the sky and when we get there we will be plied with kisses and also a demand for a walk! LOL!

Thanks to Gag.com for the humorous take on a pug!

Images via Gag.com and Gemma Correll

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