Why You Should Consider Adopting an Older Dog

Senior dogs are in need of a loving home and it just so happens that you can provide one or more with a warm and caring environment. Head on over to your nearby shelter and meet a few older doggies that need YOU to take them home! There you can learn more about their temperments and if they'd be a good fit for you. Chances are you will find a doggy who steals your heart and is the perfect fit for your home. ASPCA thinks you need an older pooch as a furry best friend too!

1. Seniors are Super-Loving
The emails we get from pet parents with senior dogs seem to all contain beautiful, heartfelt descriptions of the love these dogs give you—and those of you who adopted dogs already in their golden years told us how devoted and grateful they are.

2. They Settle in Quickly
Older dogs have been around the block and already learned what it takes to get along with others and become part of a pack. They’ll be part of the family in no time!

3. Save a Life, Be a Hero
Saving an animal’s life offers an unparalleled emotional return on your investment, and you’ll feel the rewards every day you spend together.

4. What You See Is What You Get
Older dogs are open books—from the start, you’ll know important things like their full-grown size, personality and grooming requirements. All this information makes it easier to pick the right dog and forge that instant love connection that will last a lifetime.

5. They Enjoy Easy Livin’
Couch potato, know thyself! Please consider a canine retiree rather than a high-energy young dog who will run you ragged.

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