Oh, what a dog could say if he could talk! Good or bad, we know they have opinions!
Sometimes when we look into their gorgeous eyes, as they stare lovingly up at us, we pretty much know what they are telling us — if they were capable of saying the words.
Or do we really? Their eyes may be saying “I love you Do not go away.” But what they are probably actually asking is: “Hey, can I have a doggy treat!?” LOL!
It can be a challenge – reading what our pups are trying to tell us – but we think we have the solution! Memes!
On the following page, we have taken the mystery out of those looks, sniffles, barks and growls. Memes are the current rage and we feel some are far more accurate than we may think!
Even if you disagree you cannot help but chuckle at a potential doggy lawyer or a pooch who thinks a mud bath is the same as a bathtub! Get ready for some fun! These are hilarious!
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