Adorable Corgi Puppy Attempting to Climb the Stairs Reminds Us We Can Make it Through the Election

corgi cobee

Don't let this election bring you down! Let Cobee the Corgi give you a mental break and make you smile with his adorable underdog story! Watch him climb his first set of stairs. Cobee will definitely be the perfect distraction during this election!

Hello, nation. If you’re feeling post-debate stress leading up to the final stretch of this presidential election, Cobee is here for you.


via: Facebook

Recently, his “pawrents”, as they referred to themselves to BuzzFeed News, shared a video of young Cobee attempting his first stair climb. They named it “the Staircase Challenge.”

He struggled for a bit at first…



Voila. If Cobee could tough his way up that stair, we can brave the rest of this election.
corgi won


What a cutie! Cobee is definitely what we all needed to give ourselves a break! His eagerness to succeed and persevere will definitely all inspire us and help us get through the presidential election! LOL!

For more on Cobee's staircase challenge, visit Buzzfeed.

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