If Your Doggie Has Eye Boogers, What Does it Mean?

pug staring with big eyes

If your pooch has dry eyes luckily antibiotics can help him cope. Now if there's a foreign body in his eye, you'll need to take him to a vet immediately to prevent further damage from taking place. Don't worry — take care of your doggie and he'll be just fine!

close up with Pug eyes

Dry eye— Officially keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or KCS, with this condition your dog's eyes are constantly dry, itchy and irritated because they aren't making enough tears. Instead, their eyes often make a thick, mucus-y discharge. Because infection is a serious risk for dogs with dry eye, your vet may suggest artificial tears and possibly antibiotic drops as treatment, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual.

Foreign body— If just one of your dog's eyes has discharge, there's a good chance there's something in it causing irritation. If that's what you suspect, try using an over-the-counter eye wash to flush your pet's eye, suggests the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation. Even if your dog appears perfectly fine afterward and the discharge stops, it's a good idea to follow up with your veterinarian.

After the break, find out if your pooch is at risk. It turns out some dog breeds are at more risk for these eye conditions than others! 

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