(Video) Cute Pup is Left Unattended in People’s Shopping Carts. How They React? Priceless!


It is sort of like that moment when you are grocery shopping with the kids. You look into the basket, which you have been randomly tossing a weeks worth of food inside, and realize the basket is far fuller than what makes sense.

You soon realize that your ten-year-old has been tossing his or her own supplies inside — probably candy and cakes!

Okay, maybe it’s not quite the same as looking into your cart and suddenly seeing a puppy but it’s the surprise factor that makes them both perturbing!

Over on the next page, we see a group of people, making a point about shopping cart awareness, by distracting a shopper and leaving a cute puppy in their cart. The victims/pranked reactions are a combination of disbelief, confusion, and curiosity! We think a couple might have been convinced it was fate or an act of God! LOL!

Go over to the next page and check out this amusing video. It will put a laugh and smile on your face during a busy day!

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