(Video) Overly Excited Pug is SO Eager to Meet New Friends That He Does THIS


From the moment we bring our new dog into our home, we are constantly worried about their health and safety. It's a feeling that never ends, no matter how old and seasoned our dogs are in the world. It's the same feeling we have toward our own human kids.

It's our responsibility as dog parents to protect our furbabies from the treacherous things they aren't aware of. We do our best to keep them from getting in harm's way, but sometimes our dogs give us grief for it.

They might whine, bark, howl or make some other unidentifiable noise that tears at our souls. We do our best to remain steadfast and justify our reluctance to let them experience certain situations on their own by telling ourselves that it's not worth an injury or worse.

This pug, Atty, is one of those dogs that is persistent when it comes to whining about his confinement. He lets his parents know he doesn't like being held back from the large outdoor space and does it in a unique way. Will Atty be able to convince his mom to let him play on his own?

Click to the next page to watch Atty assert his independence! You'll be shocked at what happens when he gets his way!

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