6 Tender Ways Your Doggy Shows You She Loves You Unconditionally

happy Pug

Your doggy loves you! Here are 6 ways she shows it!

Dogs and humans understand each other, and it's because of the undying love they show us that we keep them by our sides. We call them “man's best friend” for good reasons.

Licking Your Face

Dogs lick people's faces for a few different reasons, but in many cases it's a sign of love and affection. Puppies typically lick faces even more than adult dogs.

Sleeping Next to You

Since you are your dog's best friend and family, it's only natural that she expects to be able to hop up on the bed and sleep up against you (and anyone else who may be in the mix).


A bit of roughhousing is your dog's natural way of playing and showing affection. It's not only healthy, but also a necessary part of your dog's social development, and it plays a big role in a forming a bond between your dog and you.

Looking After You When You're Sick

Because dogs are inherently social animals, they possess an instinct to care for their “pack,” just as wolves rely on the care of their families. Yes, they may lick your actual wound, but their need to care for you can also extend to simply recognizing when you're feeling sick, and watching over you.

Tail Wagging

When your dog is happy, she'll wag her tail with her whole butt and her tail will sweep bag and forth in a friendly way, or even in circles.


Yes, dogs really do smile! If you've ever thought you've caught your canine flashing the dog version of a smile, you were probably right. A dog's smile can signal love and affection to an owner just as human smiles do.

AWW! See? There's nothing to worry about! Your pooch really does love you and if she does any of these things, it only proves it!

For more ways that doggies show affection, visit Mom.me.

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