There are some things that are just natural together: Peanut butter and jelly, Laurel and Hardy, and dogs with kids!
It is with that third grouping that we are most interested in these pages! Isn’t it just heart-warming to see children and their dogs running about in the grass and playing?
And, in our humble opinion, if dogs and kids go together then puppies and babies are also a perfect mix! Think about it. Both are tiny, make sweet noises, and they all really like to sleep a lot!
If you have doubts you really need to go to the next page and watch this short and infinitely adorable video.
It will change your way of thinking in about fifteen seconds! Give us some pug puppies and a baby and we can positively put a smile on your face!
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Cheryle Jackson
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lovely post
Jammie Mellor
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So cute.. pugs roll with you lol