(VIDEO) When This Proud Papa Meets His Daughter for the First Time, You’ll Tear Up When You See His Response…

daddy and daughter dog meeting

Get ready for one of the sweetest moments on the internet!

When one tough Bulldog daddy meets his newborn puppy, you'll melt when you see their reactions.

This dog daddy might seem like he's too tough to be sweet but once he meets his daughter, the game changes for him! This reunion will have you shedding tears of joy.

Watch how the puppy takes to her daddy as well! She will make you laugh! Her daddy should be very proud of her. LOL!

I'm serious; you will be missing out if you don't watch these two in action. The apple definitely doesn't fall far from the tree in this adorable daddy and daughter moment!

Watch what happens when tough daddy meets his new puppy daughter on the next page!

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